à ne pas rater
à ne pas rater
à ne pas rater
à ne pas rater
à ne pas rater

Paul Klee, le silence de l'ange




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Un précieux voyage dans l'oeuvre d'un architecte de la couleur, un peintre majeur du XXème siècle.

L'oeuvre de Paul Klee [1879 - 1940] est immense : 9 000 pièces en marge de tous les courants artistiques de leur temps.

Comme Kandinsky et Delaunay, Klee révolutionne la notion classique de composition et l'utilisation de la couleur.

Il interroge les formes, les lignes, les couleurs. Il se met à l'écoute de la nature, des sciences de son époque, de la musique et de la poésie, créant un langage qu'il a constitué tout en signes.

Il dépasse l'opposition abstraction/figuration. Il fonde sa peinture sur le mouvement, le rythme, mais aussi sur des oppositions, des tensions, son oeuvre devient polyphonique.

Les écrits de Klee fournissent à Michaël Gaumnitz la trame d'un film essentiel, qui fait sienne l'approche de l'artiste visionnaire. Notre oeil "suit les chemins qui lui ont été ménagés dans l'oeuvre" et parcourt les divers chapitres de la vie du peintre-poète.



"Art does not reproduce reality, it simply makes it
visible". This thought, which has now become one of the fundamental
principles upon which modern art is based, was the pillar of artist Paul Klee's



Profoundly influenced by reality around him, this artist
sought to portray new dimensions above and beyond the appearance of what is
considered "real". Drawing on a poetic combination of meditation and
the study of nature, Klee reveals himself to be one of the most creative and
original artists of his generation.





Like Kandinsky and Delaunay, Klee revolutionized the classic
notion of composition. He based his painting not only on rhythm and movement,
but also on contrast and tension. He approached painting from a practical point
of view as well as from his musical background.This allowed him to surpass the
opposition of abstraction/figuration, and his paintings, as a result, became
polyphonic and multi-directional.





His search for the essence and the original function of
shapes and colors took him down a path previously unexplored. The profound
effects of this original research can still be found in the work of numerous
contemporary artists.





The aim of this film is to broaden the understanding and to
put in perspective the plastic and the written works of Paul Klee.












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